It’s 5:30 am and it seems like the whole world is still asleep. I’m sitting on the porch enjoying an hour of “me time” before I have to face the day. The farm is so quiet at this hour, but soon the birds will be singing and the boys will start demanding to be fed. I will pack Scott’s lunch and send him off to work with a kiss and an “I love you”! Such is an ordinary morning in my little corner of the world.

But this is not an ordinary morning. Today is my birthday. Typically, when people ask about my birthday I tell them that my birthday is simply April because one day is simply not enough to celebrate the wonder that is me! But today is the actual day. Today at 5:30 pm, to be exact. And today, as I sip my coffee and watch the sun rise I find myself reflecting on the last year and contemplating the next. 

53 was such a busy year! Festivals, gardening, home renovations, races, travelling! Things we wanted to do, things we didn’t want to do, things we still hope to do. 

Time with family, time with friends and time with each other. Time spent watching the grandkids grow and develop personalities of their own.

                                                                                                                          What opportunities and challenges will we face this year? Will it be action-packed? Will I finally reach my goal weight and RUN an entire half-marathon? Will I finally, Finally, FINALLY get my new countertops? I can hardly wait to see what 54 brings!

Last modified: April 23, 2019



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