I made it through week 1 of the Firm Express and now on to week 2. I apologize for being a little late in posting but, between the Opera Guild Fashion Show, the Corn Festival and babysitting grand punkins’ last week was action packed!

The first workout this week is Cycle 2 Accelerate Cardio led by Rebekah Sturkie. Emily Welsh is following Rebekah and Jennifer Ray is doing modifications.

This workout is definitely more challenging than Cycle 1 Cardio, but then, it’s supposed to be. This workout provides challenging cardio patterns but the moves aren’t complicated so it is easy to concentrate on intensity. The first pattern includes dips, lunges, low jacks, and gradually builds to double step running in place, jumping jacks, diagonal jacks. The moves in every cardio pattern start out slow and work up to power. The first burst is double step shuffle. Not too difficult but really gets the heart rate up.

The second cardio pattern includes squats with alternating kickbacks, ski shuffle with pumping arms, alternating and power lunges followed by the second burst of squat jumps working up to alternating power squats.

Third cardio pattern leg thread. With proper form this exercise hits nearly every part of the body. The third burst also includes the leg thread (spoiler alert-AB KILLER!!!).

Fourth cardio pattern includes double jacks and tire run followed a burst of flying power jacks.

The final part of this workout includes alternating lunges with various crunches to work abs. I really notice how bad my balance is when I do these, I really need to strengthen my core!

I would give this workout a sweat rating of 7.5. It was challenging but I still had a little left at the end. As I have stated in other posts, I love this program and these workouts are effective but when I have the time I like to do 2. As with the other workouts, I always try to do more stretching before and after because the warm up and cool down phases on the videos is really short.

My Fitbit stats are not too hateful for a 20 minute workout:

  • 20 minutes
  • 122 average heart rate
  • 168 calories burned
  • 1697 steps



Last modified: September 18, 2017



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