This video is also led by Emily Welsh, followed by Jennifer Ray. Rebekah Sturkie is doing modifications.


The first cardio pattern incorporates jogging in place with jumping jacks and lunges with various arm movements to warm up and increase the heart rate. The first burst starts with low jacks and gradually increases to flying jacks.

The second cardio pattern moves quickly with lunges, rows and leg lifts with dumbbells alternating with dips and medial delta lifts and transitions into plie squats, tricep kickbacks, bicep curls and burpees squats. The second burst? More burpees! (ugh!)

The third cardio pattern includes more lunges this time with lat rows and transitions into static squats with bicep curls, then more pushups, tricep pushups more pushups, and then tricep pushups on the other side. The third burst power squats with increasing intensity.

The fourth cardio pattern consists of more lunges and dips, this time without weights. (After all these dips and lunges I wonder if I’ll be able to sit on the toilet tomorrow?) High knees finish out this set. Four sets of running in place make up the fourth burst session. It may sound easy but my legs are soooooo tired!!!

A short standing ab pattern followed by side planks finishes out this short but intense total body workout.

In my humble opinion, this workout is a killer! It starts out fast, never slows down and hits every body part! Is it really possible to do all those exercises in 20 minutes? It absolutely is! This program is super efficient because you work upper and lower body at the same time.

As always, I love this workout but wish the warm up and cool down was longer and included more stretching. I like the idea that I can increase or decrease the intensity but using smaller or bigger dumbbells. It gets an 8.5 on the sweat meter.

My Fitbit stats:

  • 20 minutes
  • 132 Average Heart rate
  • 162 Calories
  • 1363 Steps



Last modified: September 18, 2017



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